The chicks tried out their new run yesterday, but blogger was down for maintenance, so I couldn't update. This evening after work, I got the coop entry door installed, so Isaac helped me take the chicks out to their run again. Rain was in the forecast, so I added a tarp to the top of the run to shed some of the water and to provide shade when it warms up again. As dusk approached, Kelly and I moved the girls and guy inside the coop so they could get used to it before bedtime. The door is on, but I don't have hardware cloth over the windows, so hopefully nothing attempts to climb in a window before I make them more predator-proof.
5/12/11-The chicks try out the run for the first time since attaching it to the coop.
A celery leaf and tomato salad for the chicks.

5/13/11-I put the tarp on the run before moving the chicks out there today. As soon as I got ready to start on the entry door, it started raining.
While I was working on the entry door, a Brown Leghorn was the first to come in to check out the new digs. This was before I place the step outside the door to help them up. The funny thing is, of the three breeds we have, the Leghorns are supposed to be the most skittish, but that didn't stop her from investigating.
The Brown Leghorn checks out the inside as another one looks on.
The next one to check out the inside was a Barred Plymouth Rock.
The door is installed. I liked doing that about as much as I like making rafters.
Kelly visiting with the chicks after the rain stopped.
After locking them all inside, they wanted nothing but to go back out. They all piled up by the pop door.
I had to force them back into the feed/waterer area so I knew for sure they would find them.
Chickapoo has become quite handsome.
Three of the Golden Comets.
Great job! What gorgeous birds. Glad they checked out the new digs right away and hope they get used to it quickly! Very exciting!