The good Lord was smiling on me this afternoon as the storms were in every direction around us, but avoided the immediate vicinity, so I was able to finish the rafters on the short side and get 4 of the 9 rafters on the taller side up. I was interrupted briefly when I heard tires squalling and a crash out on North Bend Road. I immediately called 911 and reported a MVC, but didn't respond myself. From what I heard on my pager, there weren't any major injuries. Anyway, the forecast for tomorrow is dry, so hopefully I'll have time after work to finish the rafters and my dad will help get the plywood up so I can keep the inside a little drier.
I finally downloaded a lot of recent photos from the camera to the computer, so I'll also post some photos of the chicks, etc. other than the ones I've taken with my phone.
A few more rafters and the framing is finished, except the inside wall I'll use to divide the coop area from the storage area.
Some of the older photos from the camera.
The morning of March 8 when the chicks arrived via the USPS.
Ordered 5 Golden Comets, 5 Brown Leghorns and 5 Barred Plymouth Rocks. Cackle Hatchery threw in an extra BPR, so a total of 16 chicks.
The chicks' new, temporary brooder.
A Brown Leghorn taking a drink.
Jack and Skippy checking out the new additions on the first morning.
3/12/11-Kelly picked out Sassy as her chick and we marked her head with blue marker.
Sarah's chick, Princess Peach.
Another view of Sassy.
3/17/11-The walnut tree to the south of the coop site. It had a dead area up one side of it, so I decided to cut it down rather than have it blow over in a couple of years and smash the coop. The shade would have been nice for the coop, but would rather not have it smashed.
Damn, I'm good. Dropped it right where I wanted it. The dead, damaged area of the trunk is visible in this photo.
The closest stakes are the run area and then the coop site further back.
This view also shows the dead area up the trunk.
3/17/11-The chicks get moved to their new, larger brooder on their ninth day here.